
High-speed and private proxies with a choice of geolocation


The use of proxy servers makes a very important and rational sense. In many cases, users visiting various sites have the need to protect their data and replace the real IP address with a replaceable one. But the main question that we will consider in this article is how not to get confused in choosing the optimal proxy server option. You can buy private or high-speed proxies on the website, there are also elite proxies, individual, anonymous and many others, how not to get confused in such a wide variety and how do they differ from each other?

Features and basic concepts

  • Let’s start with private proxies, which have some advantages compared to other tariffs:
  • they allow you to work faster; do not have or have a minimum delay in the exchange of information;
  • have the ability to archive transmitted information, due to which the volume of transmitted data can be reduced and the load on the network decreases;
  • content filtering of transmitted information, so if there is advertising information or malware in the traffic, then such data will be filtered.

Another important, and for most professional users, main advantage is a thorough check of private proxy servers. This provides additional protection against hackers who can conduct network attacks. Well, of course, anonymity should be mentioned, which is perhaps the main purpose of using a proxy server, with its help the safety of personal data, passwords from sites and logins from all kinds of resources is achieved, your geolocation and the content with which you work are kept secret.

What else is useful to know

You can independently choose the country through which the Internet traffic will be directed, and switch between different countries if necessary. In contrast to private proxies, open proxies are not reliable enough and are not very effective for use in business processes. In the event of an infection of the company’s computers, this can lead to the stoppage of all business processes, which will affect the work of the company as a whole, lead to an increase in costs and loss of time.

If you do not know how many proxy servers are needed for your purposes, then it will be advisable to use a pool server, with the help of which the traffic will be equally distributed to a number of servers, which will ensure fast and safe operation. I would like to separately note that for the operation of the pools, a stable and reliable protocol version IPv4 is used.

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