
Want Millennials To Buy? Here Are Some SEO Tips You Should Try

A huge chunk of people who surf the interwebs are millennials or those born between 1980 and early 2000s. This generation is now the largest in the globe, and their presence is very much felt in the virtual world as well.

According to statistics, people aged 25 to 34 years old spent the most time on the Internet in 2016, with a monthly average of 48 hours. That’s why if you would ask any Virginia SEO expert, there’s no question why businesses should target this age group.

In this article, we are rounding up SEO tips to help you win the millennial market.

Make your website mobile-friendly

Millennials heavily rely on their smartphones. Apart from making calls, and sending e-mail through this gadget, they use it to access social media and search engine sites. Make sure your website is mobile-friendly so they’ll have a smooth user experience when they browse your content.

Focus on quality, information loaded content

Search engine optimization is a battle of quality and original content. If you want to rank high on search engine platforms and display a great appeal before the millennials, invest in creating content that is unique and information-wealthy. This generation is very much appreciative of sites that offer meaningful content and insights.

Create scannable content

Your content should not just be information-packed, you have to make them scannable and easy to read. You can do this by writing shorter paragraphs, using bullet point, and using bold headlines to define sub-sections of your article.

Be active on social media platforms

A Virginia SEO expert knows that SEO extends beyond search engines — nowadays, social is the new SEO. If you want to reach millennials (who are known as notorious social media users) and make them aware of your brand, products, and services, you need to be present in major social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. Do not forget to optimize your content to social so you can maximize your social media marketing efforts.

Respond to their queries immediately

Several businesses attest to the importance of giving instant responses. Many millennials send queries to get more information about a certain product or service. You are one step closer to winning their hearts if you can give answers immediately.

Reviews help build-up your brand

It is not only Google that loves reviews. For millennials, reviews matter a lot. This populace makes good use of recommendations and testimonials to verify if what you are offering them can indeed satisfy their demands. Invest your time and resources to gather positive reviews about your products and services.

Come up with content that appeals to their values

If you want to tap the potential of the powerful millennial market, you need to serve them with content that appeals to their values and principles. Apart from your products per se, bring light to good causes and let them know you are not a mere profit-seeking entity.

Tap the help of influencers

When you strike up a conversation with a Virginia SEO expert, there is a high chance that the term influencers will be brought up. Influencer marketing has risen sharply in the past years because they are cost-effective. Make sure to choose an influencer that can promote your brand in the most authentic way possible.

If you need a Virginia SEO expert, our team at Tessa offers a complete line of services that helps bring tangible results. From SEO audits, strategy, keyword research, among others, we got all bases covered.

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