Motivational Strategies For Entrepreneurs By Industrialists Dr Srikanth Gaddam
Talking about the professional endeavours of Dr Gaddam is genuinely a vast list that cannot be spoken enough of. Based in the USA, Dr Srikanth is an award-winning global author, entrepreneur and founder of ERP Analsys, Inc. He believes that the making of advanced technology can help industries everywhere to enhance their efficiency efficiently. ERP Analysts provides various IT services that consist of new technology adoptions for Campus Solutions, PeopleSoft, Workday, Managed Services, Amazon Web Services (AWS), Data Analytics and Digital Transformation.
Since its launch in 2003, the corporation has grown from having two people working in the business into a multi-million-dollar firm. This fact has Dr Gaddam graced his company to be added to the list of Fortune 500 corporations. ERP Analys...